Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oil Pipeline is dirty technology

With the new Federal Budget the government of Canada has made it clear, that the oil pipeline from Alberta to British Columbia is inevitable.

There is so much wrong with how this is being handled, I almost don't know where to start.

The budget has given Revenue Canada $8 million so that they can audit any charity that the government believes are too overtly political. This means that a charitable agency that may protest the pipeline might come under audit and be shut down. Green Peace comes to mind. This doesn't sound very fair or democratic!

What about the possible environmental damage if something goes wrong? As far as I know "murphy's law" still exists. Something inevitably always goes wrong whether big or small. With oil something going wrong can be devastating.

What about our Ocean? With tankers carrying the bitumen from BC's north coast to Asia there lies the big possibility of an oil spill.

Canada has the opportunity to be a world leader in alternative energy development. Why not follow other western nations in changing our dependency on oil? The oil pipeline is old and dirty technology, building it sets any advances in alternative energy back.

Also since we have the oil sands why not develop jobs by processing it here, instead of shipping raw oil overseas, and then buying it back in it's refined form? Someone is not thinking this through. Let's let the government know that we don't support this!

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